Saturday, August 21, 2010

Protokol ke 10 Yahudi mengandungi 8 perkara....


Cuba renungkan... .kebenaran e-mail ini....untuk rujukkan kita bersama.

Seminit untuk kita beringat...
DI INGATKAN SEMULA supaya tak lupa...

Protokol ke 10 Yahudi mengandungi 8 perkara....

1.. Song....
Lagu-lagu yang menghiburkan. .jika ada anak-anak yang
tak tau mengucap..tetapi boleh menghafal lagu Hindustan yang
panjang berjela... Ada anak-anak yang tak hafal Fatihah....tapi
boleh mengingati lagu Siti Norhaliza yang panjangnya berdepa
depa..... berjaya sudah Yahudi..... Hingga kita terfikir.... ..
bagaimana jadinya radio kalau tanpa lagu?

2. ...Sex.....
Lagi satu kegilaan remaja dan yang tua. Sex di mana-mana..
di kaca tv, dalam filem, dalam iklan...babak sex amat lumrah...
kekadang adegan sex tak diperlukan, tetapi diselitkan jua
sehingga ada orang menonton filem hanya kerana ada adegan sex...
filem 18SX amat laris berbanding filem U...
VCD lucah mudah didapati...dan harganya amat murah...
Adakah filem yang tiada adegan sex?
Lagi sekali berjaya sungguh Yahudi laknatullah. .......

3. ...Smoke....
Rokok..menjadi kegilaan para remaja....
sehingga dikatakan tidak modern jika tidak merokok...
malah sekarang merokok menjadi budaya bagi mana-mana perempuan
yang kononnya mau di gelar 'up to date'..
Dulu yang merokok ini golongan ****** saja.... ataupun penari
kabaret..... .( aku tengok dari filem P Ramlee )....

4. .....Sport.. .
Pelbagai jenis sukan di tonjolkan dan lelaki dengan
perempuan sama-sama berlumba mencari nama dalam sukan....
hinggakan sekarang bola sepak pun perempuan main juga....
Bila bersukan, tutup aurat mestilah jauh sekali,
sembahyang pun banyak yang miss.....bukan yang bermain sahaja tak sembahyang.. ...
yang menonton pun tak sembahyang juga .......
Kalau menonton dirumah.... akan lambat sembahyang sebab takut tak
nampak macam mana masuk GOL......
Yahudi gol lagi........sampai ada ulamak kata...kerana sukan
...sembahyang boleh tangguh....Mashaalla h,..

5. .. Fun..
Hiburan...di mana-mana kita dapat hiburan yang melalaikan.. ..
Kalau kita lihat dalam 100 majalah.. mun gkin 99 adalah majalah hiburan..
termasuklah majalah mangga.....yang menayangkan buah mangga artis perempuan... .
Kalau ada konsert....sanggup orang Islam bertandang hingga
menghabiskan banyak wang dan bila ke konsert....
pelbagai maksiat akan diselit masuk.... Yahudi terhibur lagi....

6.... Female...
Perempuan... tawaran Yahudi yang amat mengasyikkan. .
terutama dalam iklan..yang kadang-kadang tidak ada kena
mengena dengan perempuan... . Kalau kita ke kedai bateri kereta....
dihadapan bateri terpampang gadis sunti separuh bogel beraksi.....
apa kena mengena bateri kereta dengan perempuan?.. .
kalau iklan Modess... perempuan adalah patutnya...
Yahudi bersorak lagi......

7...Fashion. ...
Fesyen terutama perempuan yang bermacam-macam. .
sehinggakan kalau pakai tudung pun mereka dah tak menutup aurat....
Macam mana dikatakan bertutup aurat jika bertudung tetapi berbaju ketat
yang kekadang menampakkan pusat?
Yang mewarnakan rambut lagi teruklah...
Buat apa bertudung kalau rambut diwarnakan.. ...
Bila warnakan rambut..mestilah tidak bertudung sebab kalau
bertudung..bagaiman a nak menayangkan warna rambut yang terkini itu...
Kalau dah rambut diwarnakan.. .. sembahyang pun tak sah...
malah mandi hadas pun tak sah sebab kebanyakan pewarna adalah kalis air...
itu tak kira yang cukur bulu kening lagi...

Yahudi ketawa lagi....
Umat islam sudah jadi macam Yahudi.....

8.. .. Food..Makanan. .
Lagi satu kegilaan Umat Islam terutama makanan dari Barat termasuklah
MC D, Kentucky , Pizza hut...dan seribu satu macam lagi...
Buah kurma yang menjadi makanan Rasulullah di pandang hina....
masuk rumah pun setahun sekali bila bulan Ramadan...
tapi makanan Barat menjadi kebanggaan.. .
Bila makanan datang dari Barat.. adakah kita yakin tentang
halalnya? Contoh Kentucky ....rempahnya datang dari Amerika....
siapa nak pergi check....halal ke tidak?
Bila makan benda haram, masakan iman menjadi mantap....
Maka lahirlah Umat Islam yang bukan perangai saja macam
yahudi.... tetapi berfikiran pun macam yahudi...Nauzubilla h.....
Yahudi makan Islam lagi...

Itu baru protokol yang ke 10......
yang lain-lain entah macam-macam
lagi.... aku cinta Malaysia .....tapi lebih cintakan
ALLAH....... ....... oleh itu, jika berlaku pertembungan antara kepentingan
manusia dengan kepentingan Allah......


Ayat2 Al Quran yang boleh diamalkan :

Untuk elak suami/isteri dan anak2 bergaduh :
Surah Al Baqarah - Ayat 102

Anak2 pandai belajar :
Surah Al Anbiyaa'- Ayat 79

Anak2 lembut hati/ elak panas baran :
Surah Al Anbiyaa - Ayat 69,
Surah Al Hasyr - Ayat 22-24

Anak2 malas sekolah :
Surah Toha ayat 1-5

Ayat pendinding : Ayat akhir surah At Taubah

Bg anak2 yg suka keluar malam :
Surah Ar Ruum Ayat 31. Baca 33x

Untuk jadi pendinding rumah :
Surah Al BAqarah dibaca & tiup pd air , dan spray
keliling rumah

1 minit untuk mengingat Allah

Langkah 1:
* Sebutlah dengan sepenuh hati dan lidah yang fasih:

Langkah 2:
* Hayatilah sedalamnya akan makna ayat demi ayat,
perkataaan demi

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Race Against Time

Post under Self Help at 8:57 PM Posted by herwan

Over the last few days, I've spent some time with my friends who are all having the same challenge'”the race against time or "time management." Whether you are a lawyer, a fitness professional or an executive for oil & gas company, time is the like ‘the elusive lover'.. You can never get enough! Here are a few comments I heard over the last few days:

-- "I'm never able to get it all done."
-- "I can't figure out which "to-do" should be done first."
-- "It only takes 10 minutes."

My lawyer friend is multi-tasking all day long. He felt this was really effective in his quest to "beat the clock." To quote my friend, "it only takes 10 minutes to complete each task." When we took a look at the "it only takes 10 minutes" tasks and added them up, he was losing over an hour a day on items that could be delegated to someone else. What would you do with an extra hour per day?

We wear many hats and play many roles in our lives. It's very easy to get caught up in the "to-do" list and the requests of others. In my work with some clients, my goal is to help them have an 80/20 rule in their lives and businesses. 80% is their "ideal" life that they create and 20% is when "life happens." You know those days when you get sick, the kids are sick, the car breaks down, etc. For many of you, it's just the opposite. You're getting 20% of your time to steer your life the way you'd like and 80% is spent serving others needs and requests. I invite you to think about changing this if you want to live with passion and purpose in your life and business.

I used to be in that 80/20 situation (with 80% being determined by others) until I made a conscious choice to give myself permission to design a life that resembled more of what I wanted on a daily basis. Here's a few tips and solutions on how you can begin to take better control and win your race against time:

1. What do you want? '“ This really throws me off base when I ask this question. Why? You believe that your life is not your own. You serve and take care of so many people. How could you possibly have what You really want? Take a look at all the areas of your life '“ self, spouse/partner, family, work/business, friends and community. How much time would you ideally like to spend in each of these areas? Remember the 80/20 rule.

2. Design Your "Ideal" Day '“ I work with take a blank calendar and begin to play around with the "what-ifs." Others play with different scenarios and come up with what works best for them based on what's most important.

3. Set up boundaries '“ It's essential that you set boundaries around your life. I have a boundary around the 4pm hour during the week. I typically reserve from 4pm on through the evening to be with my family. I also have a boundary around my day between 8:30 and 4pm Monday through Friday. I spend this time practicing my own self-care.

4. Get some help '“ A very wise, successful man once shared with me that "you can do it all but you can't do it all by yourself." Well said. This lesson has been one of the most valuable for me along the way. The act of delegation has been a key factor in helping me to have more of what I want in my life and less of what I don't. Here's a clue; Make a list of what you're really good at, enjoy doing and also produces income for you. These are the things that you need to hold on to. Take everything else and delegate it as soon a possible. The first 2 things I delegated in my business were bookkeeping and technology. I don't enjoy these and it's not an area of strength for me.

If you are serious about winning your race against time and having more of what you want in your day, I invite you to use these 4 steps I've shared with you.

I'm going to leave you today with a quote that feels just right at this moment. "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." ~Annie Dillard

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Personal Goal Setting Find Direction. Live Your Life Your Way.

Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn this vision of the future into reality.

The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that would otherwise lure you from your course.
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Click this video to find out how to set powerful goals.

More than this, properly-set goals can be incredibly motivating, and as you get into the habit of setting and achieving goals, you'll find that your self-confidence builds fast.
Achieving More With Focus

Goal setting techniques are used by top-level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields. They give you long-term vision and short-term motivation. They focus your acquisition of knowledge and help you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.

By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals. You can see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. By setting goals, you will also raise your self-confidence, as you recognize your ability and competence in achieving the goals that you have set.
Starting to Set Personal Goals

Goals are set on a number of different levels: First you create your "big picture" of what you want to do with your life, and decide what large-scale goals you want to achieve. Second, you break these down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit so that you reach your lifetime goals. Finally, once you have your plan, you start working to achieve it.

We start this process with your Lifetime Goals, and work down to the things you can do today to start moving towards them.
Your Lifetime Goals

The first step in setting personal goals is to consider what you want to achieve in your lifetime (or by a time at least, say, 10 years in the future) as setting Lifetime Goals gives you the overall perspective that shapes all other aspects of your decision making.

To give a broad, balanced coverage of all important areas in your life, try to set goals in some of these categories (or in categories of your own, where these are important to you):


Do you want to achieve any artistic goals? If so, what?

* Attitude:
Is any part of your mindset holding you back? Is there any part of the way that you behave that upsets you? If so, set a goal to improve your behavior or find a solution to the problem.

* Career:
What level do you want to reach in your career?

* Education:
Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular? What information and skills will you need to achieve other goals?

* Family:
Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent?

* Financial:
How much do you want to earn by what stage?

* Physical:
Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?

* Pleasure:
How do you want to enjoy yourself? - You should ensure that some of your life is for you!

* Public Service:
Do you want to make the world a better place? If so, how?

Spend some time brainstorming (explore brainstorming here) these, and then select one goal in each category that best reflects what you want to do. Then consider trimming again so that you have a small number of really significant goals on which you can focus.

As you do this, make sure that the goals that you have set are ones that you genuinely want to achieve, not ones that your parents, family, or employers might want (if you have a partner, you probably want to consider what he or she wants, however make sure you also remain true to yourself!)
Starting to Achieve Your Lifetime Goals

Once you have set your lifetime goals, set a 25 year plan of smaller goals that you should complete if you are to reach your lifetime plan. Then set a 5 year plan, 1 year plan, 6 month plan, and 1 month plan of progressively smaller goals that you should reach to achieve your lifetime goals. Each of these should be based on the previous plan.

Then create a daily to-do list (investigate to-do lists here) of things that you should do today to work towards your lifetime goals. At an early stage these goals may be to read books and gather information on the achievement of your goals. This will help you to improve the quality and realism of your goal setting.

Finally review your plans, and make sure that they fit the way in which you want to live your life.
Staying on Course

Once you have decided your first set of plans, keep the process going by reviewing and updating your to-do list on a daily basis. Periodically review the longer term plans, and modify them to reflect your changing priorities and experience.
Goal Setting Tips

The following broad guidelines will help you to set effective goals:


State each goal as a positive statement: Express your goals positively – 'Execute this technique well' is a much better goal than 'Don't make this stupid mistake.'


Be precise: Set a precise goal, putting in dates, times and amounts so that you can measure achievement. If you do this, you will know exactly when you have achieved the goal, and can take complete satisfaction from having achieved it.


Set priorities: When you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps you to avoid feeling overwhelmed by too many goals, and helps to direct your attention to the most important ones.


Write goals down: This crystallizes them and gives them more force.


Keep operational goals small: Keep the low-level goals you are working towards small and achievable. If a goal is too large, then it can seem that you are not making progress towards it. Keeping goals small and incremental gives more opportunities for reward. Derive today's goals from larger ones.


Set performance goals, not outcome goals: You should take care to set goals over which you have as much control as possible. There is nothing more dispiriting than failing to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control. In business, these could be bad business environments or unexpected effects of government policy. In sport, for example, these reasons could include poor judging, bad weather, injury, or just plain bad luck. If you base your goals on personal performance, then you can keep control over the achievement of your goals and draw satisfaction from them.

* Set realistic goals: It is important to set goals that you can achieve. All sorts of people (employers, parents, media, society) can set unrealistic goals for you. They will often do this in ignorance of your own desires and ambitions. Alternatively you may set goals that are too high, because you may not appreciate either the obstacles in the way or understand quite how much skill you need to develop to achieve a particular level of performance.

SMART Goals:
A useful way of making goals more powerful is to use the SMART mnemonic. While there are plenty of variants, SMART usually stands for:

* S Specific
* M Measurable
* A Attainable
* R Relevant
* T Time-bound

For example, instead of having “to sail around the world” as a goal, it is more powerful to say “To have completed my trip around the world by December 31, 2015.” Obviously, this will only be attainable if a lot of preparation has been completed beforehand!

Gain a deeper understanding of SMART goal setting in our in our next article entitled 'Locke's Goal Setting Theory'.
Achieving Goals

When you have achieved a goal, take the time to enjoy the satisfaction of having done so. Absorb the implications of the goal achievement, and observe the progress you have made towards other goals. If the goal was a significant one, reward yourself appropriately. All of this helps you build the self-confidence (build self-confidence here) you deserve!

With the experience of having achieved this goal, review the rest of your goal plans:

* If you achieved the goal too easily, make your next goals harder.
* If the goal took a dispiriting length of time to achieve, make the next goals a little easier.
* If you learned something that would lead you to change other goals, do so.
* If you noticed a deficit in your skills despite achieving the goal, decide whether to set goals to fix this.

Failure to meet goals does not matter much, as long as you learn from it. Feed lessons learned back into your goal setting program.

Remember too that your goals will change as time goes on. Adjust them regularly to reflect growth in your knowledge and experience, and if goals do not hold any attraction any longer, then let them go.
Key Points

Goal setting is an important method of:

* Deciding what is important for you to achieve in your life.
* Separating what is important from what is irrelevant, or a distraction.
* Motivating yourself.
* Building your self-confidence, based on successful achievement of goals.

If you don't already set goals, do so, starting now. As you make this technique part of your life, you'll find your career accelerating, and you'll wonder how you did without it!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Penyebab Keresahan hidup

MANUSIA ini dijadikan oleh Allah swt sebagai hamba-Nya dan khalifah di atas muka bumi ini. Pastinya dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab tersebut kita berhadapan dengan pelbagai rintangan, dugaan, mehnah dan tribulasi yang merupakan ujian Allah kepada kita. Kita harus memahami bahawa DUNIA adalah ladang semaian, hasil ladang itu membawa kepada suatu ganjaran di Akhirat kelak.
Justeru sejajar dengan tabii manusia itu dalam menjalani liku-liku kehidupan pastinya kita berhadapan dengan “stress”, tekanan yang akhirnya membawa kepada keresahan hidup.
Penyebab keresahan dalam hidup manusia menurut pandangan Islam sangat banyak tetapi yang menjadi punca utama ialah :

* Tidak adanya iman atau lemahnya iman seseorang.

* Percampuran antara iman dan syirik.

* Kurangnya kesedaran bahawa dalam usaha manusia ada ketentuan Allah yang Maha Berkuasa. Manusia hanya sebagai makhluk yang diciptakan dan berada dalam kekuasaanNya.

Firman Allah Ertinya : “Dan kepunyaan-Nyalah apa-apa yang di langit dan di bumi, semua makhluk tunduk kepadaNya” (Surah al-Rum : 26)

* Umat Islam kurang menghayati dan mengamalkan kehidupan berumah tangga berlandaskan ajaran Islam. Ibu bapa atau penjaga kurang memberi perhatian ilmu pengetahuan dan pendidikan keagamaan kepada anak di samping ilmu pengetahuan yang lain.

* Kebebasan dalam pergaulan tanpa di dasari dengan keimanan sehingga boleh mempengaruhi manusia melakukan perkara yang haram mengikut hukum syarak.

* Manusia terlalu membanggakan ilmu pengetahuan hasil daripada pemikiran akal manusia tanpa disertai iman sedangkan pemikiran manusia amat terbatas.

* Pengaruh makanan dan minuman haram ke atas umat Islam secara sedar atau tidak sedar.

* Adanya penyakit rohani yang membahayakan dan merosakkan peribadi dan martabat manusia seperti hasad, dengki, khianat, dusta, takbur, riak dan sebagainya.

* Kurangnya kesedaran rasa syukur sewaktu mendapat nikmat Allah S.W.T. dan terlalu mementingkan urusan duniawi.

* Sentiasa diselubungi perasaan bersalah atau berdosa kerana telah melakukan perbuatan terkutuk yang bertentangan dengan hati nuraninya sehinga terjadi konflik batin. Konflik batin ini menyebabkan gangguan fikiran seperti tidak tenteram dan tertekan.

Semoga dengan apa yang akan disampaikan dapat menjadi peringatan, nasihat dan bimbingan terutama pada diri kita dan seluruh kaum muslimin dan muslimat dalam rangka meyempurnakan displin kehidupan agar sentiasa memperoleh taufik, hidayah dan rahmat daripada Allah S.W.T.

Hadis Nabi s.a.w, dalam hal agama dan kepatuhannya, kita mesti sentiasa melihat mereka yang lebih dari kita, agar kita terus berusaha..
Manakala dalam hal keduniaan, barulah kita disuruh oleh Islam untuk melihat mereka yang kurang berbanding kita, agar kita lebih tahu untuk bersyukur dan tidak dijangkiti penyakit tamak. - Riwayat At-Tirmidzi

Thursday, January 28, 2010

40 kesilapan dalam mendidik anak

Anak adalah anugerah dari Allah yang paling berharga..
Hargai dan sayangilah mereka
Kepada semua yang bergelar Ibubapa kita sama-sama renungkan....

1. Pemilihan jodoh tanpa memperhitungkan mengenai zuriat
2. Perhubungan suami isteri tanpa memperhitungkan mengenai zuriat
3. Kurang berlemah lembut terhadap anak-anak
4. Memaki hamun sebagai cara menegur kesilapan anak-anak
5. Tidak berusaha mempelbagaikan makanan yang disajikan kepada anak-anak
6. Jarang bersama anak-anak sewaktu mereka sedang makan
7. Melahirkan suasana yang kurang seronok ketika makan
8. Membeza-bezakan kasih sayang terhadap anak-anak
9. Kurang melahirkan kasih sayang
10. Sering mengeluh di hadapan anak-anak
11. Tidak meraikan anak-anak ketika mereka pergi dan pulang dari sekolah
12. Tidak mengenalkan anak-anak dengan konsep keadilan
13. Tidak memberatkan pendidikan agama di kalangan anak-anak
14. Tidak terlibat dengan urusan pelajaran anak-anak
15. Tidak memprogramkan masa rehat dan riadah anak-anak
16. Tidak menggalakan dan menyediakan suasana suka membaca
17. Mengizinkan anak-anak menjamah makanan dan minuman yang tidak halal
18. Tidak menunjukkan contoh tauladan yang baik di hadapan anak-anak
19. Jarang meluangkan masa untuk bergurau senda dengan anak-anak
20. Terdapat jurang komunikasi di antara ibubapa dengan anak-anak
21. Tidak menggunakan bahasa yang betul
22. Suka bertengkar di hadapan anak-anak
23. Sentiasa menunjukkan muka masam di hadapan anak-anak
24. Tidak membimbing anak-anak supaya mematuhi syariat
25. Memberi kebebasan yang berlebihan kepada anak-anak
26. Terlalu mengongkong kebebasan anak-anak
27. Tidak menunaikan janji yang dibuat terhadap anak-anak
28. Tidak menunjukkan minat kepada aktiviti anak-anak
29. Tidak memupuk semangat membaca di kalangan anak-anak
30. Tidak berminat melayan pertanyaan atau kemusykilan anak-anak
31. Tidak memberi perhatian terhadap buah fikiran anak-anak
32. Lambat memberi penghargaan kepada anak-anak
33. Kerap meleteri sesuatu kesilapan yang dilakukan anak-anak
34. Hukuman yang tidak setimpal dengan kesalahan yang dilakukan
35. Sering mengancam dan menakutkan anak-anak
36. Menghukum tanpa menyatakan kesalahan yang dilakukan
37. Tidak konsisten dalam menjatuhkan hukuman ke atas anak-anak
38. Memberi nasihat yang sama kepada anak-anak
39. Tidak tegas mendidik anak-anak
40. Tidak menggalakkan anak-anak hidup berkerjasama

Dipetik dari buku '40 KESILAPAN MENDIDIK ANAK'
oleh Dr. Hassan Ali, AKRAB 1996

Monday, January 25, 2010

Adakah anda berani membuat keputusan

Dalam penghidupan kita banyak keputusan yang perlu kita buat untuk memastikan kejayaan diri kita.

oleh itu anda perlu berani membuat keputusan. keputusan untuk menjadi seorang jutawan. Hidup dengan cara seorang jutawan berfikir ?

oleh itu adkah anda berani ?