Tuesday, September 23, 2008

How To Stay Passionate About Your Job

Love It

This is not always easy to do, especially if you aren't exactly at your dream job. However, you probably don't hate everything about it either. Find a part of it that you like, a part that excites or satisfies you, and then focus on that aspect when doing your job.

Branch Out

Don't be afraid to give new things a go. While it might not be part of the job scope, it will give you a change to experiment with something different. Even if it is just temporary, it will provide a welcome break from your everyday routine.

Face Challenges

Challenges help us grow. it is good to have some bumps in the road occasionally; it helps us stay focused. it is also good to take on challenges that can show how good we really are at our jobs.

Stay Motivated

Again, this isn't easy to do, especially when things aren't going your way. Not getting that important promotion or missing out on a raise cans he hard. But it is important to keep your head above the water, and stay the course. At the end of the day it's the result that matter - and if you keep producing good results, you will be rewarded.

Leave It

There may be instance when you feel the job just isn't for you. If your talents and passion lay elsewhere, don't be afraid to pursue your dream. Go ahead, make a fresh start!

1 comment:

iszaizul said...

Salam..Keep on ur effort. it may help others like me to be more inspired n motivated. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir & Batin.